Friday, March 8, 2013


This New Englander did not start the day very optimistically. First and foremost, SNOW, more SNOW! I awoke to 4-6 inches on the ground and still more coming down. Since I have Friday's off with my little guy you might be thinking, that's great, Snow Angels and Hot Chocolate are in order. Well any other day you would be right, and boy oh boy did I wish that was the plan for today.

With lots of snow, no childcare and two appointments in Boston for mom, I had to put my big girl pants on and stop whining. Did I mention that despite being a New Englander and despite being able to drive better than most in the snow, I hate it. I truly hate it. One should not have to drive in treacherous weather with a child and a parent through streets and down highways that were not plowed - or plowed but not maintained beyond the initial swipe.

This is New England right? So, is it too much to expect that our towns and states have this down to somewhat of a science. Afterall this storm was not a surprise. Wait, who am I kidding, elected officials communicating effectively and leading is kind of far fetched, never mind relying on something as exact as science.

So the journey begins with mom reminding me to breath intermittently as we make our way down the highway surrounded by people you might think would have some experience driving in snow. Afterall this is New England, right? Mom was great ooohs or ahhhs or sudden movements which is her typical "back seat driving" as they say. She was a trooper.

On a positive note, we arrived a little over an hour early for the appointment. That's where I learned for the first time that kids are not allowed in the Hematology/Oncology department. Which, to be honest, makes total sense to me, but in the moment completely unravels me. Afterall, I am trying so hard to be everything to everyone and this is the last thing I need to hear today. So out to the hall I go with my son and my bag of goodies, leaving mom behind to sit and wait alone.

A good mom always has a bag of goodies. This bag of goodies made for a very well behaved son who consequently became known as the "door man" for opening the door for each and every patient, family member, doctor and nurse that came through. And, he's cute. Yes, I am bragging but one must brag about their son, it's in the job description that comes with the title "Mom".

Despite being early, the doctor is late. That's always the way isn't it. However, they are so kind and thorough it's really very difficult to be angry once your in the room with them chatting. And then the news arrives that we've been waiting for! Mom has had just one week of Xeloda, and now she is finishing up her off week. Things are OPTIMISTIC!

Did the Doctor just say the "O" word. Is that a smile on my face? On mom's face? 

Indeed she did, followed  by her CBC was GOOD, her counts are slightly up and her kidney functions are good and her LD-something good too! All optimistic...there's that word again!!! Doc went on to say these are all signs that Xeloda may be a good fit for mom's disease make up.

That means we continue, a week on Chemo, a week off and switch to monthly visits that coincide with her Zomeda injections. Although we have another follow up in two weeks with the radiation oncologist followed  by ortho-oncologist a few days later...maybe spring will have sprung by our next meeting with mom's oncology team on April 8th...which is a good day for great things, it's the day her first grandchild was born, my God Son, JT. Follow up scans Will be 4 months it from February 22 (chemo start date).

Oh and speaking of birthdays,  little Love who was ever the big boy today turns 4 tomorrow. I ask blessed. Night All, keep the prayers and well wishes coming.

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